Sunday, January 16, 2011

About Me

Welcome to my poker blog, I'm making one on a whim after having to quit a session due to tilting after calling a 5x overbet with the second nuts...

I'll make this my "about me" post and then I will get onto the poker content in following posts.

Most people in the poker world know me as either mdm13 on 2p2/deucescracked or gnomeontilt on FTP. My stars SN is magicalcow and I'm not hidden from search.

I am a 21 year male from the Northeast US who has been playing online NLHE cash games professionally for almost three years. I have played everything from 100nl to (very small amounts of) 5knl. Unfortunately due to corrupted databases I don't know real numbers but I have definitely played at least 2 million hands of poker, and probably significantly more. I've always been a high volume mass multitabler when I have the focus to play day in and day out. I am currently in one of those phases and I am currently playing like shit at 100nl-600nl after taking a decent portion of 2010 off.

Now it's back to the grind!


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